The Swiss RoCK
I barely had a chance to get my thumb in the air before a couple of Swiss Ski duded pulled over and drove us 20 mins. to the train station. It was pretty sweet. We hung out at Lake Geneve today. what an amazing piece of water. We would like to go into Geneve at some point to check out some of our protestant reformer calvin history. WE are only an hour and a bit train ride from there.
OUr living situation is pretty nice too. We have bunk beds! I get the top... of the bunk bed;) it works out well though because Jen still can't sleep well next to me so it helps us sleep through the night!
Last night me and adam went out with some of the guys to play pool and stuff in the nearby ski town called Villar. There are a lot of amazing people here that have been fun getting to know. Everyone has a different story to tell. LAst semester Wayne Grudem's son was here! crazy eh? also Tim Keller has spoken here and they have his lectures on tapes. they have lots of lectures on tape which is a nice break from the books. Right now I am into N.T Wright's book on Paul and a book on church history and G.K Chestertons Orthodoxy.
Anyway adios till later
sounds like you are seein some awesome sights! Hope you are taking lots of pictures! Mom
Hey Craig & Jen,
Sounds like you're having a great time out there! Hearing you talk about Taize and now L'Abri makes me wish I could be there with y'all. How were the prayer times at Taize? Did you enjoy singing in all those languages? Things are going well in the new semester at CBC. Off to a good start.
In other news, Terri and I are hosting a couple of Korean homestay students for about a month -- two guys, each 17 yrs old. Went go-karting with them at Castle Fun Park yesterday. That was pretty hilarious. We're going to bring them to campus sometime when Cho and Steve Kim are around to converse with them in their native tongue.
Anyway, stay well, enjoy one another, and soak in every moment of this experience!
Oh, you have GOT to ask Tammy to do her N.T. Wright impression for you when you get back! funny stuff.
Love you guys!
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