
January 27, 2007

le semaine a taize

bonjour... j,ai un peu de temps a utilizer l,internet. ah bon, oui. we have had a good and interesting week at taize; it has been fun to meet so many different people; some are catholic, protestant, unbelievers, some are searching and asking many questions. we have learned many things; our group from cbc is great; one thing is funnny when you are surrounded by internationals and there are so many languages that you begin to speak slowly and say the main words in a sentence so it can be understood... your sentences become incomplete and us from canada are beginning to speak with accents, incomplete sentences and using lots of hand motions to explain ourselves that i think we are beginning to seem like cavemen. its quite remarkable... craig and i would like to come back here one day as it is a very special place... i have learned new lessons in how to love and accept people where they are at in their journey towards Christ. We are all on a journey and God is love. my time on the internet is over for now... craig is taking a nap so I will say adios from both of us... au revoir

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!
It's cool to read what you're up to. We're glad to hear that your having fun, learning and becoming cavepeople!

Love and hugs and all'a that!
Earl and Rhonda