
January 19, 2007

vive le france

Bonjour we are here after a long 12 hour flight! we got to our hostel which is pretty nice and its been fun to try to read things in french and get around the city with the little french i know but its working! saw the notre dame today and it was so crazy to see this huge cathedral and then saw in the distance the eiffel tower... will see more tomorrow... we are going to go play card games now and our new favorite game cribbage. we thought we saw derek furtney and earl fast today in paris... it was funny! we leave for taize in the country side on jan 21 and we are looking forward to staying at the monastary there. okay my time is running out on the computer so gotta run... we love you all... oh yah, i will try to fix the comment posting thing so that people can comment, i didnt realize it was on a different setting... awesome... thanks for the heads up mooselo! much love! au revoir.

Departing from Vancouver... arriving in Paris, France!
Craig in Paris!

Jen in Paris!

The Louvre Museum

The Arch de Triomph

The Eiffel Tower... on a rainy Paris day

Leaving Paris by train to travel to Taize

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