
February 1, 2007

My wonderful husband...

...gave up his day off to go on a hunt to find knitting needles and yarn for his wife (me)! Yes, i accidentally forgot the knitting needles at home so they are sitting safely in my dresser drawer at home. so i have to find some needles and yarn here. L'Abri is a knitting nation! Everyone here knits! Guys and girls... all are knitting! So eventually I, too, will join the knitting nation!

The food here is amazing. Everything is made from scratch! The bread, the soups, the desserts, sauces, etc. Its inspiring me to be a home-maker when I come back to Canada! In fact, that's one of the things I've decided to learn more about here. I'm planning on reading a book by Edith Schaeffer on Home-Making and hospitality. Many of my friends are very good at that and I want to blossom in that area.

Today we went to Montreux for our day off! We went hitch hiking but Craig will tell you about that! We took the train and found a mall where they sold scarves (everyone wears scarves in europe) and found a couple cheap ones. We went for lunch at a cute little french swiss restaurant down a small alley way. I ordered some kind of pizza but you never really know what it will turn out to be here so what I actually ordered was a pizza with salad on it, cheese, and beef fillet... in other words a thin slice of raw cow meat! i only realized what it was fully until after the second piece and then proceeded to remove the cow from my pizza... i thought of becoming a vegetarian today. hee hee :)

And then Craig bought us some Lindor chocolat. Its made here in switzerland so its pretty cheap. we made our way back to the school and now are relaxing for the rest of the day...

Our bunkbed is working out fine but Craig will tell you more about that! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting in anticipation of your homemaking skills--Jha

Anonymous said...

Hey there Guys,

Yey, we can comment! You are going to have to teach me a few things about homemaking when you come back... maybe how to cook a few things as well.

We miss you here but it sounds like everyone and everything are treating you wonderfully over there.

Love ya, and love the updates!


Anonymous said...

Hey-OHH! To the J-LO! Ooops... I mean J-HA! Sounds like you're having a blast!! Glad you found some knitting needles. You'll have to teach us when you return. We can have a knitting party!

Miss you tons! Hugs and kisses from Dave, Michelle, Jonas & Jack

Anonymous said...

fun to hear about your experiences. . . Glad you'll be able to practice knitting!
Much love, Mom Harris