Thought we should update our blog today! I'm sitting here while there are several people waiting so I can't think of something very inspiring to write as I have only a few minutes but I will think of something.
There are several discussions here and formal lunches where we address questions that people raise and alot of the discussions and teaching is based around Christian philosophy. Now... I've never really studies philosophy and philosophy is different from theology. I LOVE theology, however I do not really like philosophy. However, I recognize the importance of addressing certain questions and thinking about possible answers because we do need to engage these topics in our culture to be able to engage with our society and dialogue about God with those in our communities. But I also stand on the conviction that some of these questions are useless and empty and can cause doubts, confusion and questions. There is a philosopher who talks about "orientation, disorientation, and reorientation" in our relationships with God. Times when we are oriented to Him where things seem connected, on course and moving forward with God. Other times, we experience disorientation which can include times of disappointment with God, or maybe stress, or anything that causes confusion and an unsettling. But this cycle then moves to reorientation when God directs our hearts and minds back to Him and we move forward again... or something!??? i think I got that right. Anyways, this cycle happens to us as humans and in our relationship with God. That was one thing that hit me this week.
Another cool thing I'd like to mention is that I got this song in my head today as I was standing in line for dinner:
"Before the throne of God above, I have a strong a perfect plea, a great High Priest whose name is Love who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is written on His heart, (can't remember the words) la la la... and I am glad that song was in my head.
Oh yah! Yesterday was really fun. We went to Vevey on the train and finally found knitting needles and yarn and went to Mcdonalds for lunch, had some wine at a nearby restaurant and it was a really fun and relaxing day with us and a couple friends. In the evening, Craig played some songs on the guitar and we had an old-fashioned hymn sing! It was great. I was knitting away and thinking in my head, "I love Craig!" :)
Okay, bye! Love you all!
Hey Jen and Craig, good to hear about what your learning there. I keep forgetting that you are actually going to school. I keep thinking you are just travelling along on a really long honeymoon... I guess they are both true:)
Hey, is it possible to see some pics? It might be hard to upload there, but if you can I would love to see the places you've seen there; there's nothing I love more than pictures!
Gotta run. Love you two. Melody
Hi Uncle Craig and Auntie Jen,
I saw your framed pictures at Nana's house the other day and I hugged and kissed it for a long time. Then Jonas came in and wanted to kiss me so I had to put them down. But when he found the stereo, your picture was all mine again. I think I like kissing jack more than Jonas; he doesn't move as much.
Love London; Oh yeah, I know where my belly button is. YEY!
Hey Craig and Jen!! Ryan and I wanted to say hi! I felt the baby kick a couple of weeks ago! We will find out a week from Tues. if it is a boy or girl. Ryan thinks boy I really have no idea! Sounds like you are having fun can't wait to see you!
Kari and Ryan
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