
January 29, 2007

The Journey

What an amazing experience so far. Everyplace has gone beyond expectations. I am exited to see what we will learn here at L'Abri. It was kind of a cultural shock to go from a very Eruopean place with multipal languages to L'Abri where everyone speaks enlgish and is from North America! it is fun! I think I will study Church History and Theology. Why not. I love that stuff so I thought it would be good. I have already had some very interesting conversations but my time is limited now. Perhaps I will right more later.



p.s. it feels like I am in a dream...

l'abri in switzerland

We said goodbye to taize yesterday and hello to the Swiss alpes. We are now at L'Abri Fellowship here in the mountain... wayyyyyy up the mountain. We opened the curtains this morning to look at our view and it was absolutely incredibly MAJESTIC! There is no other word to describe the clear blue sky, the jagged mountain and the pure white snow! It is actually a bit warmer here than it was in France. We had our first day here today with work in the morning and study in the afternoon. We each have to pick a subject to study while we are here for 6 weeks. Craig will probably study Church History and I am not sure what I will be studying yet. Maybe a book of the Bible, marriage, biblical womanhood, or possibly systematic theology! There are many books and tapes to choose from. We are now at a place with a good computer so there will be more updates from here! We love you! :)

January 27, 2007

le semaine a taize

bonjour... j,ai un peu de temps a utilizer l,internet. ah bon, oui. we have had a good and interesting week at taize; it has been fun to meet so many different people; some are catholic, protestant, unbelievers, some are searching and asking many questions. we have learned many things; our group from cbc is great; one thing is funnny when you are surrounded by internationals and there are so many languages that you begin to speak slowly and say the main words in a sentence so it can be understood... your sentences become incomplete and us from canada are beginning to speak with accents, incomplete sentences and using lots of hand motions to explain ourselves that i think we are beginning to seem like cavemen. its quite remarkable... craig and i would like to come back here one day as it is a very special place... i have learned new lessons in how to love and accept people where they are at in their journey towards Christ. We are all on a journey and God is love. my time on the internet is over for now... craig is taking a nap so I will say adios from both of us... au revoir

January 23, 2007



We are now at the Taize community in France and it has been a great time so far. There are ,any people from all over the world here it is a,azing to worship with so ,any different people.

the food is interesting. for breakfast we get bread andwater and there are lots of hot dogs and mashed potateoees and pwder coffee and feels like camp. the services start outwith candles, lights, and the monks enter the room one by one... there are about 50 monks and then we sing songs in french, german, english and other languages. there is lots of quiet time and good discussion groups too... write more later... craig and jen.

January 20, 2007

i still can't figure out any french i keep wanting to speak spanish. Jen and i had a good time wondering Paris today. We saw most the sight. the Louve is pretty neat and the eifle tour too, but it started to rain so we didn't hang around the eifle tour too much

i have decided that i don't like french food. the bakeries and crepes are good but it is hard to find a nice hearty meal here, i guess that is why most people are skinny. i found an irish pub though right near the notre dame which was a nice surprise Myfirt glass of frenh wine was nice. I think both of us are still trying to get oer the time change but hopefuly today will be better, we are taking the train out to taize today so wwe hae a day of rest while we travel, So see you later paris i liked London better. haha.

Craig and jen

January 19, 2007

vive le france

Bonjour we are here after a long 12 hour flight! we got to our hostel which is pretty nice and its been fun to try to read things in french and get around the city with the little french i know but its working! saw the notre dame today and it was so crazy to see this huge cathedral and then saw in the distance the eiffel tower... will see more tomorrow... we are going to go play card games now and our new favorite game cribbage. we thought we saw derek furtney and earl fast today in paris... it was funny! we leave for taize in the country side on jan 21 and we are looking forward to staying at the monastary there. okay my time is running out on the computer so gotta run... we love you all... oh yah, i will try to fix the comment posting thing so that people can comment, i didnt realize it was on a different setting... awesome... thanks for the heads up mooselo! much love! au revoir.

Departing from Vancouver... arriving in Paris, France!
Craig in Paris!

Jen in Paris!

The Louvre Museum

The Arch de Triomph

The Eiffel Tower... on a rainy Paris day

Leaving Paris by train to travel to Taize

January 17, 2007

Craig's a good packer!

Yup, he helped me pack up my backpack today. Its fun to think that you'll be living out of a backpack for 3 months, roughin' it, same clothes, no showers, you know like the Bible times! Thanks Lindsey for giving me an awesome haircut! I love it. Cool place where you work too! Special hollar shout out to my old roomie Karen!!! I forgot to hollar shout out at the wedding so i thought I'd shout out hollar right here! Thanks for having us over on Saturday Corrie! It was awesome to hang out with you and visit. I miss you and Angelle already! Thanks for the knitting needles. Oh yah, I have to remember to pack them in my backpack. Thanks Donna for teaching me to knit. Thanks sistas for your lovehugs and parents for taking care of us this week! One more thanks and shout out to our church!!! Thanks for being our church family, supportive and loving... you're amazing and we love you. Thanks for lunch. We will miss you dearly! Jenbug.

Mr. Paris

hello again.

craig here. i have never blogged before so i thought i would try to get into it as soon as i could. we just finished packing(well at least i have) and are almost all ready to go. it is kinda weird leaving everyone behind for three months. three months really isn't that long but i like the people that i am around so it will be bitter sweet for a while. once we get going in our "studies" it will be good i am sure.

well i better go be a good husband and help jenn finish packing. adios (sorry all i know is spanish, and my spanish isn't even that good).


January 16, 2007


Hey everyone! Thanks for visiting our blog! We are excited to begin our euro adventure this thursday at 10:05 am as we soar into the air... thanks for all your support and prayers. We will give our first official update on our trip when we arrive in Paris. ooo la la! Je parle un peu de francais... peut-etre c'est bon... je ne sais pas... haha. Parler avec vous bien tot. Au revoir! (The french wa Jen not craig, Craig knows only English).


Craig and Jen